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Mon - Fri 9am - 9pm
Sat 8am - 9pm
Sun 9am - 9pm
24-Hour Cancellation Policy
Elements Massage 1001 W 75th St, Suite 131
Woodridge, IL   60517
(630) 910-3400 Elements Massage$49 to $99


Woodgrove Festival

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1001 W 75th St
Suite 131
Woodridge, IL 60517

Mon - Fri 9am - 9pm
Sat 8am - 9pm
Sun 9am - 9pm
24-Hour Cancellation Policy

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Words of Wellness

Nothing changes IF NOTHING CHANGES

Nothing changes IF NOTHING CHANGES

Anita S.

Nothing changes....IF NOTHING CHANGES.

CHANGE is good.

A fresh opportunity in a brand new year to plant seeds for growth and improvement. Wishes, in the form of small seeds of intention, which can lead to big impacts and positive outcomes within ourselves. We seem to have better results in achieving change when we start with small tweaks to our habits. Once the small alteration becomes a part of our new routine, then a gradual shift on a larger scale is manageable, and not so overwhelming.

The motivation, willingness and ability, to make any change has to come from within, and the vision of what we hope for, our primary focus. That vision of the outcome must remain front and center in our minds as we practice new habits to bring about change. Each and everyone of us needs change - it is healthy for us, allowing us to advance by learning and evolving.

Actions always show priorities, not thoughts and words. If the desire is to initiate changes to health, happiness, friendships, etc., then examining where and how we are investing our valuable time and energy should be conducted. When considering the cost of implementing any desired change, also consider the cost of staying exactly in the same position, without making any change. Improvement begins by initiating change, opening ourselves to new ways of thought patterns and behaviors.

Whether it be a commitment to improving health through a nutritional change, starting an exercise plan, adding massage therapy to our self care, unloading a heavy burden off our back, releasing a toxic friendship, making a decision which we have been putting off.... it all starts with a desire to make a change.

Plant your seeds of intention. See where these tiny seeds can take you. Keep reminding yourself that CHANGE is healthy and good.

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