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Needham Heights, MA   02494
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855 Highland Ave
Needham Heights, MA 02494

Mon - Sun 9am - 9pm

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Words of Wellness

DISCLAIMER - How the articles were created

DISCLAIMER - How the articles were created

Matt Simpson

These articles represent dozens of hours of writing and review, performed with the help of CHAT GPT-4. Given the time required, these would not have been possible without the help of generative AI.

See Articles Here

The benefits of monthly massage is well documented. Compiling a list and supporting documentation of benefits was relatively straightforward, yet cumbersome. It is my hope that this information is helpful to studios and clients who are considering or currently using therapeutic massage on a monthly basis.

As a small business owner with an academic clinical background, I always felt that more substantial information should be provided about the benefits of massage therapy. Each of these benefits is backed by academic research and publication in peer-reviewed journals. References are cited in APA format.

When we say "massage therapy," we are using this as a clinical term. We are delineating massage as a luxury vs. massage as a fundamental therapy that can intervene in conditions that cause pain and discomfort. While massage feels very luxurious, we focus here on the physical, mental, and emotional benefits that monthly massage provides.

We also offer these articles with a caution. It's easy to consider massage as a luxury. However, we consider it much more important to consider massage as THERAPEUTIC.

Everyone should be getting a massage at least once a month.

Too often, we talk to clients who consider massage as a luxury instead of a therapy. Instead of monthly massage, these clients might come in every 3 or 4 months, or even once a year. We know that this is good and nice. And yet, we also know that muscle and soft tissue has memory. We often don't notice when that tension is creeping back up on us.

After a month, the body returns to where it was. Then, during the following months, the same lack of benefit returns into the mind and body. By the time a client comes back into the office for therapy after having been away for several months, the therapy must to start all over again to begin the process of realizing therapeutic benefit.

In order to maintain and make gains, massage therapy is necessary at least once a month.

It is with this knowledge that we offer these series of brief articles. The content was developed to highlight the benefits of monthly massage. We hope that you remember this simple phrase "At Least Once a Month."

Pro Tip - Massage is therapy. Schedule it first, not last. Everyone has crazy schedules. Put your massage on your schedule first, before the rest of the craziness preoccupies ALL OF YOUR TIME. Preserve & protect your "me time."

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