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2437 Merrick Road
Bellmore, NY 11710

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Words of Wellness

Natural Ways to Boost Energy

Natural Ways to Boost Energy

We've all been there—those moments when we feel completely drained of energy and unable to accomplish our everyday tasks. In the United States alone, more than 56% of Americans experience fatigue or have significantly low energy levels. Exploring proactive ways to boost energy levels will help determine which options will work best for you in the long run. Look no further than these seven simple tips to naturally improve your energy without needing pricey over-the-counter supplements.

7 Easy and Natural Ways to Boost Energy

1. Get Moving

Even a few minutes of exercise releases significant levels of mood-boosting dopamine. In addition, physical activity promotes oxygen circulation inside the body, elevating the presence of energy-producing mitochondria. An afternoon workout will also give you a better night's sleep for a more energetic version of you the following day. Finally, a simple five-minute stretching session is enough to make a difference if you're short on time.

2. Go Outside and Soak Up the Sun

Studies have shown that increased natural light exposure increases energy levels and productivity. Even corporate offices are decreasing their reliance on artificial lighting and opting for larger windows. If you're feeling a little low energy, take a few minutes to go outside, soak up the sun, and boost your vitamin D storage in the process. Be sure to protect your skin by applying sunscreen during prolonged periods of sun exposure.

3. Rethink Your Sleeping Patterns

Getting a good night's sleep is essential to give our bodies a chance to recuperate and reenergize for the day ahead. If you're having a hard time falling asleep, try to avoid taking naps during the day, as this may disturb your natural sleep patterns. Similarly, prevent the consumption of stimulants like sugary treats and caffeinated drinks at least five hours before bedtime.

4. Drink Plenty of Water

Drinking plenty of water throughout the day will help prevent dehydration and the associated symptoms of fatigue. Keep a water bottle with you always to facilitate water access, especially when engaging in physical activity or for extended time spent outdoors. If you have trouble remembering to drink water, use your mobile device to set alarms reminding you to rehydrate periodically.

5. Decrease Your Alcohol Intake

Avoid drinking that tempting glass of wine too early in the day. The sedative effects of alcohol can make you sleepy and tired, making it challenging to accomplish your tasks at home or the workplace. However, consuming a glass of wine in the evening may help you fall asleep faster and get a better night's sleep. Alcohol also limits your liver's ability to produce essential blood sugars that help to fuel your body.

6. Drink Coffee Responsibly

A little caffeine boost may be all you need to get you going on your to-do list. As natural ways to boost energy go, this is likely one that you've already adapted to your routine. The key lies in consuming your favorite caffeinated drink, whether coffee or tea, early in the morning or mid-day. Anything past those specific times can make it harder for you to get a good night's sleep, affecting your next day's overall energy levels too.

7. Enjoy a Relaxing Massage

Massages are often sought after for their ability to help you relax and unwind after a long day, but did you know they can also increase energy levels? The pressure and movements utilized by your masseuse promote blood flow and oxygen circulation. The act of relieving stress and tension can also diminish symptoms of fatigue and sluggishness. You might not feel it right away, but you are sure to wake up the following morning refreshed and energized to tackle the day ahead.

Get started with that relaxing massage and request an appointment today!

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