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Bellmore, NY 11710

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Words of Wellness

Holiday Stress Relief Tips

Holiday Stress Relief Tips

Welcome to the holiday season – where endless parties, events, and family gatherings are the center of attention. Mix in the pressures of finding the time to find the right gift, and it can also leave you feeling hot and bothered. Let's face it: For as much joy as the holiday season brings us, it also seems to amplify stress factors that already exist and can get in the way of truly enjoying this time of year. As a result, we have come to realize that we all need some holiday stress relief.

4 Tips for Holiday Stress Relief

To enjoy the holidays, you need to stay grounded and present to truly allow yourself to feel the holiday spirit. But, whenever those conflicts and pressures start rolling in, that holiday cheer can quickly become anxiety. Here are some helpful ways to handle it.

1. Try Mindfulness

Practicing mindfulness is highly beneficial for mental and physical health. It gives people a different perspective and reduces stress. One of the simplest ways to try mindfulness during the holidays is to focus on the festive atmosphere through the five senses.

You should take a step back from any unpleasant emotions and thoughts and completely immerse yourself in things that positively influence you. Such as pleasant smells, joyful music, and sensory moments. They can help you create a sense of calm amidst the chaos.

2. Accept Imperfections

We often set the bar too high when we prepare for the holidays. Doing so makes coping challenging when something doesn't meet your expectations. To manage the holiday stress, be realistic. Remind yourself it is normal for families, traditions, and rituals to grow and change.

We all try to hold on to old memories and traditions, but you can't force them. When it's clear that a change is necessary for whatever reason, try to embrace it. For example, if a particular individual can't come home for the holidays, you can alternatively celebrate with them over a phone or video call. Your willingness to accept and embrace changes that occur will help ease your tension, and everyone else's too.

3. Set a Budget

The holidays can quickly drain your money. However, you can help with your holiday stress relief by controlling your spending and sticking to a budget. Gift cards can help you since they are for a definite amount. Remember, gifts don't have to be luxurious or above your means – it's always going to be the thought that counts.

4. Take a Breather

Any form of conflict can take a toll on your mental health. When that happens, you should make some time for yourself. Do an activity you enjoy, like reading a book, walking, listening to music, or stargazing.

Getting a massage can also help. A study has shown that 10 minutes of massage can help you overcome stress. So, if the stressors and demands of the holidays are taking a mental and physical toll on you, follow this holiday stress tip and book a massage appointment.

Treat yourself or a loved one with a massage gift card today!

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