Pamela (light to medium) | Licensed Massage Therapist
Available Saturday, Sunday
Specialties: Swedish Massage, Relaxation Massage, Pre-Natal Massage
"I have been seeing Pam and she is wonderful."
- Milwaukee School of Massage, 1996
Specialties or Training
- Relaxation
- Himalayan Salt Stone Massage
- Hot Stone Massage
- Precision Neuro Muscular Therapy (low back focus)
Favorite Massage Modalities
- Swedish
- Aromatherapy
Philosophy of Healing
"Treat the whole body as it is all connected. Go to the source rather than try and cover up with temporary solutions"
What Clients are Saying
- "I have only had 2 other massages in my life and never had one where you could list the body parts you would like massaged. I had surgery for nerve problems on my right arm that affected my dominant hand and Pam concentrated on that arm and it was good."
- "Pam did an amazing job! I think i got so relaxed I fell asleep a few times!"
- "I wanted a relaxing massage and Pam was great. I scheduled a 90 minute massage and she did a full body massage with lavender aromatherapy added to the massage. It was great. Thank you Pam."
If you can't see me try: Amanda; Jack