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Mon 10am - 9pm
Tue - Thu 9am - 9pm
Fri 10am - 9pm
Sat 9am - 7pm
Sun 10am - 8pm
24-Hour Cancellation Policy
Elements Massage 308 W El Camino Real
Sunnyvale, CA   94087
(408) 737-8587 Elements Massage$49 to $99


Cherry Orchard Shopping Center

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308 W El Camino Real
Sunnyvale, CA 94087

Mon 10am - 9pm
Tue - Thu 9am - 9pm
Fri 10am - 9pm
Sat 9am - 7pm
Sun 10am - 8pm
24-Hour Cancellation Policy

Sports Massage

Whether you’re a serious or occasional athlete, enjoying less muscle pain and stiffness, as well as improved performance is a good reason to get regular massage.

Sports massage incorporates techniques and stretching specific to the athlete’s sport. This type of massage therapy can be used before, during or after sporting events.

Sports massage should be part of a balanced training routine. This type of massage therapy can reduce recovery time, promote flexibility, help with muscle strain, heal injury and help prevent injury.

Whether you’re a yogi, CrossFitter, runner or partake in regular physical activity, sports massage can help you recover and increase your range of motion. Most athletes get a weekly massage. We recommend a minimum of one session per month.

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  • It’s your personal monthly subscription to a better you.
    Imagine a place dedicated to helping you be the very best version of you. That’s exactly the kind of treatment that awaits you as a member of the Elements Wellness Program™. Where everything is done just for you, by hand, exactly the way you imagined.
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    The Elements Wellness Program