Heather | Master Massage Therapist
Education: High Tech Institute Nashville
Specialties: Mayofascial release, deep tissue, and relaxation.
Education: High Tech Institute Class of 2003
Specialties: Myofascial Release (MFR), Swedish, Himalayan Salt Stones, CBD Herbal Ritual, AromaRitual, and Massage Cupping.
Bio: Heather specializes in Myofascial Release. However, being one of our Elite therapists, she is well educated in a number of other techniques including Swedish, Trigger Point, CBD Herbal Ritual, and Cupping, just to name a few. She became a massage therapist because she loves helping people feel better. She has a true passion for her work and encourages all her clients to receive, at least, a monthly
massage to maintain overall wellbeing and works hard to assure each session with her is customized to the clients exact needs. One piece of information she wants to pass along to her clients is investing in yourself is the best game in town!