Porsha | Licensed Massage Therapist
Available Thursday, Friday, Saturday
"Porsha was EXCELLENT! She hit all my trouble areas, kept checking in if there were areas I wanted her to revisit before she moved on and even worked on my TMJ and scalp which I completely needed, but most masseuses do not address. She was very knowledgeable and I will definitely schedule another massage with her. My only complaint is that I didn't have more time with her, next time I will book a longer massage."
Education: Bachelor’s degree in French and International Relations from The Ohio State University, Massage Therapy from Columbus State Community College, and Physical Therapist Assistant from Clark State College
Places Lived: Rio Grande de Sol, Brazil, Cape Verde, France, Languedoc, and Columbus, OH
Places Traveled: Several countries in South America and Europe, West Africa, Several cities and parks in the United States.
Dream Vacation: Hiking in nature and exploring different cultures along with some time at the beach.
Favorite Massage Modalities: Swedish, Myofascial Release, Trigger Point Therapy, Cupping, and stretching.
Philosophy on Healing: Our body is wise and seeks homeostasis but sometimes it needs a nudge or squeeze. Massage Therapy helps to keep it in check.
Before I became a massage therapist, I was… English/ESL teacher and a swim instructor.