Meet Our Massage Therapists and Estheticians in Coeur d'Alene, ID
Meet Our Massage Therapists and Estheticians in Coeur d'Alene, ID
At Elements Massage Coeur d'Alene, our highly trained and qualified massage therapists will work with you to meet your individual needs.
While every massage at Elements Massage studio is tailored to be a unique one of a kind experience, you can now customize the level of skill with an elite or master massage therapist based on your specific needs and wellness goals.
Each level requires a mastery of the craft along with additional training, education and development to enhance their skills. Experience levels vary by studio.
Talia | Esthetician
Annie | Elite Massage Therapist
Education: Healing Arts Institute
Some of the most satisfying results I have seen have been when a client has limited range of motion in a certain area, such as their neck or arm, and after one hour they have the range of motion restored. Seeing their relief and how their body cooperates is amazing to witness.
Carrie | Massage Therapist
Chris | Licensed Massage Therapist
Education: American Institute of Clinical Massage Associates of Science(A.S)- Centralia College Bachelor of Science (B.S)- Western Washington University
I worked with a woman who had Adhesive Capsulitis (Frozen Shoulder). Her range of motion was restricted almost completely when she came into my massage clinic. Every week I worked with her, her range of motion improved tremendously and I watched her sense of hope and joy grow.
Deonne | Licensed Massage Therapist
Ellen | Licensed Massage Therapist
Gabriel | Licensed Massage Therapist
Ginger - Lead Therapist | Elite Massage Therapist
Education: Coeur D’Alene Massage School
"Ginger is an amazing therapist! She listens intently, modifies her approach based on input received and has magic fingers!" -Sarah
Gloria | Master Massage Therapist
Education: North Idaho College, Carrington College
A client was suffering from severe upper back and neck pain. He could no longer enjoy working out as he used to. He received deep tissue massage along with heat pack treatments once a week, for 6 weeks. He was able to get back to his regular work out and is diligent about receiving massage twice a month as part of his regular health care routine.
Hannah C. | Licensed Massage Therapist
Education: American Institute of Clinical Massag
Chronic migraines with terrible symptoms for a child were resolved after 3 sessions with neck and TMJ work; The clients migraines and symptoms stopped.
Hannah D. | Elite Massage Therapist
Education: Bodymechanics School of Myotherapy and Massage
I am especially skilled in relieving pain and tension caused by the postural restrictions of working at a desk and other repetitive positions or movements. By addressing postural tension patterns throughout the whole body, I am able to find and release the source of pain for long-lasting relief.
Jason - Lead Therapist | Elite Massage Therapist
Education: American Institute of Clinical Massage
I have helped clients delay or cancel surgery. Very efficient in reducing debilitating sciatica, migraines, carpal tunnel syndrome and improving range of motion.
Jenna | Massage Therapist
Kady | Licensed Massage Therapist
Education: American Institute of Clinical Massage
Helping my clients reach ultimate relaxation, allowing their body and minds to unwind, so healing can occur.
Karla | Licensed Massage Therapist
Education: NIC Massage, Carrington College
Trager is a practice I wish to study more, as I see immediate results in one treatment.
Kitti | Licensed Massage Therapist
Education: Phoenix Therapeutic Massage College
Assisting injured athletes to heal and then improve, and to be a part of every journey of our swat and firefighters. Every person who chose to fight for a better life through the pain or trauma or illness. My 90 year old who I worked on for 2 years at 92 has commented, “I wish I learned all this when I was younger… in my 70s.” He started to develop pecs and improve posture and balance.
Kyle | Elite Massage Therapist
Education: Ashmead/Everest College
Being able to read the body and recognize issues, I am able to target specific muscle groups and release hypertension. My background in Swedish gymnastics and hydrotherapy allows me to give constructive homework exercises to help with issues at home.
Micki | Licensed Massage Therapist
Education: American Institute of Clinical Massage
I had a gentleman with a quad muscle in a tight cramp ask me to work it out. While working his calf, the quad released- He was in disbelief. I loved it! The body is amazing.
Mikayla S. | Licensed Massage Therapist
Mike - Lead Therapist | Licensed Massage Therapist
Education: Spa Tech Institute of Therapeutic Massage in Plymouth,MA
A particular client has been coming in to see me for awhile with the aim to ease neck pinches and tingling numbness in his arm. after each session its extremely rewarding to see a look of relief on his face and hearing him state his symptoms have diminished greatly.
Mykala B. | Licensed Massage Therapist
Education: Carrington College
I treated a client with a Frozen Shoulder, who was able to lift arm above their head by the end of the massage. I have also worked with a stroke victim who was able to play piano and knit again for the first time in years after receiving treatment.
Olivia | Elite Massage Therapist
Education: Pacific College of Health and Science, San Diego California
A woman, roughly in her 60’s came to me for treatment. Her issue was that she was unable to turn her head from side to side to the point that she was unable to drive her vehicle. She had not driven for seven years. Her healing goal was to get behind the wheel again and reclaim her independence. Our journey was a long one, but with determination she got most of the mobility back in the neck. Seeing her achieve her goal was very rewarding for both of us.