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Elements Massage 2437 Merrick Road
Bellmore, NY   11710
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Bellmore - Merrick

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2437 Merrick Road
Bellmore, NY 11710

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Words of Wellness

words of wellness words over nature landscape

Jun 15, 2022 Wellness News

June is National Employee Wellness Month, which makes it a great time to discover workday habits that boost your wellness–and can even boost the wellness of your whole organization. Challenge yourself to try one of the healthy habits listed below this month. You might experience better focus, less fatigue, increased productivity, teamwork, collaboration, work-life satisfaction,...

Jun 14, 2022 Wellness

Hot summer days are finally here! The longer days, brighter skies, and warmer temperatures tend to boost our moods, improve diets, and encourage more routine fitness habits.

Summer is the perfect time to switch up your wellness routine and try something new. After living through a pandemic, we can now spend more time outside with nature to heal our mind, body, and soul.

Today, we’re sharing some of the top wellness trends this summer.

May 11, 2022 Massage

Massages diminish stress, and muscle pain, promote circulation, and can also improve immune function. The constant stimulation of muscle tissue helps flush out harmful toxins from the body to relieve fatigue and improve nutrition.

Whether this is your first time booking an appointment or if you’re already a member, here are a few steps you should take prior to and after your massage session to maximize the experience.

Apr 27, 2022 Wellness News

“A garden requires patient labor and attention. Plants do not grow merely to satisfy ambitions or to fulfill good intentions. They thrive because someone expended effort on them.” –Liberty Hyde Bailey If you’re gardening this spring, you’ve seen firsthand how love and care can help flowers grow and bloom. This is true throughout nature, and...

Mar 23, 2022 Massage

After the past few years, we should all indulge in some serious self-care. Living through a pandemic along with other world events has forced us all to reevaluate the meaning of “wellness.”

With spring right around the corner, there’s no better time than now to focus on your health and well-being. While you may have big plans for the warmer temperatures and longer days, embrace healing your mind, body, and soul.

Keep reading to learn about some of the top wellness trends for the upcoming season.

Feb 28, 2022 Wellness News

As days lengthen and the temperature rises, all of nature seems to wake from its winter dormancy. This could be the perfect time to take a look at your lifestyle and do a bit of spring cleaning. Taking on a few good habits, and losing some not-so-good ones, can bring big benefits to your health and general wellness. Check out some of the actions you can take to “clean-up”...

Feb 22, 2022 Massage

When used correctly, healing crystals are conduits for the earth's healing energy. These stones emit positive, calming, energizing, and uplifting vibrations, which can help you attain a revitalized physical state and a peaceful mind.

Crystals provide a unique, fun, and effective way to influence and direct your natural energy toward improved health and well-being when used with the right intent.

Jan 20, 2022 Wellness News

With Valentine’s Day on the way, many of us are looking for fun ways to shower our loved ones with affection, but is there someone who keeps slipping off your lists? Yes! Yourself!

Jan 18, 2022 Massage

We’re just a few weeks into the new year, which means there’s still plenty of time to make 2022 the best year yet. While there are endless resolutions that you could make, why not make this the year that you prioritize your health and wellbeing? Besides, there’s nothing and no one more important than you!

Here’s what you need to know about our monthly massage wellness program and how it fits seamlessly into your self-care routine.

Dec 30, 2021 Wellness News

What are you doing on New Year’s Eve? Make a date with a mindset.

When the clock strikes midnight many of us will make a toast, kiss someone we love, and make a resolution to do (or stop doing) something in the new year. These resolutions to eat better, save more money, call home more often, and make time for self-care are made with the best of intentions, but are they the best way to make a change? Read on, the answer might surprise you!

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