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Elements Massage 2437 Merrick Road
Bellmore, NY   11710
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2437 Merrick Road
Bellmore, NY 11710

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Words of Wellness

words of wellness words over nature landscape

Dec 13, 2021 Massage

The holiday season is all about selflessness and showing others how much you appreciate them. At the same time, it’s also important to be grateful and to appreciate what you have. During the holidays, it’s all too easy to put yourself on the backburner, which can lead to added stress.

As you make others’ holiday wishes come true, don’t forget to do something special for yourself. One of the best ways to relax and unwind during this hectic time of year is to get a massage.

Nov 15, 2021 Massage

Many people seek massage therapy to ease sore muscles and achy joints. But did you know that massage also offers a host of mental health benefits? Whether you feel overrun by the stress of everyday life or if you’re dealing with depression, routine massages can give you the mental boost that you need.

Here are some of the mental health benefits of massage so that you can feel good inside and out.

Oct 20, 2021 Massage

Traditional massage therapy is extremely effective at relieving stress along with aches and pains. But what if you could take your massage to the next level? Adding massage enhancements is one of the best ways to make massage therapy even more beneficial.

Here are some of the best enhancements to consider.

Sep 16, 2024 Wellness News

For this blog post, take a deep dive into each of your options at an Elements Massage studio. With around 250 studios across the United States, you’re never far from your next refreshing session tailor-made for your unique wellness goals. Remember, if you have questions, don’t hesitate to ask. It’s the Massage Therapist’s job to create the most relaxing, therapeutic, customized experience possible each time you walk through the doors of a studio.

Jul 18, 2024 Wellness News

The Elements Massage® brand gets it: life is busy, and it only seems to get busier by the day. It’s easy to put your self-care routine to the bottom of your to-do list. Reminders that everyone needs to prioritize their own well being are vital, and there’s no better time than National Self-Care Day—July 24th— to remember that prioritizing your own well-being is an important part of wellness.

Apr 15, 2024 Wellness News

Watching the trees bloom and enjoying the smell of fresh April rain can give you the push that you need to get back into prioritizing self-care. If you resolved to start taking better care of yourself back in January but lost sight of your goals, no worries – we’ve all been there. Now is the time to recenter, refocus, and remember why you wanted to commit to self-care.

Whether you’re looking to revamp your existing self-care routine or you’re starting from scratch, there are many ways that you can give your overall wellness a boost.

Feb 15, 2024 Wellness News

The new year has arrived, and it’s time to prioritize your health and well-being. At Elements Massage, we get it–it can be tough to prioritize self-care when you have a tendency to take care of others first. If you’ve been putting yourself on the back burner, 2024 provides you with a fresh start–a c

Elements Massage Nov 8, 2023 Massage

Athletes and fitness enthusiasts are no strangers to the physical toll their activities can take on their bodies. From strenuous workouts to competitive sports, muscle soreness and fatigue are part of the game. Fortunately, there's a powerful tool available at Elements Massage that's been gaining traction in the sports world - cupping therapy. In this blog, we'll...

Elements Massage Nov 8, 2023 Massage

At Elements Massage, we're committed to providing our members and clients with the very best in therapeutic wellness. HerbalRitual®, an innovative hemp-infused oil offers extended therapeutic benefits that leave you feeling relaxed, rejuvenated, and pain-free. Discovering the Power of HerbalRitual® Whether you're new to the Elements Massage experience or...

Elements Massage Oct 25, 2023 Massage

In today's fast-paced world, finding quality time to reconnect with your partner can be challenging. Balancing work, family, and personal responsibilities often leaves little room for nurturing your relationship. However, there's a delightful and rejuvenating way to enhance your bond and prioritize self-care together – couples massages at Elements Massage. Quality...

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