Jessica G. | Licensed Massage Therapist
Available Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday
Education: Bancroft School of Massage
Joined Elements Team: 2023
Pressure Level: 1 - 3
Favorite Massage Modalities: Swedish, Pin and Stretch
Philosophy on Healing: "I believe that it's important to relax not only the body but also the mind and soul as well. That's why my massage is on the slower relaxing side but with a touch to help any pain you might be having"
Massage Style: When it comes to Jessica's massage, she works by two sayings. Slow and steady wins the race and you don't need to go deep to be deep. Her massage entails slow and repetitive motions used to target softening that superficial layer of muscles (the first layer) which, once warmed up and softened, will allow her to reach those deeper muscles.