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Mon - Sat 9am - 9pm
Sun 9am - 8pm
24-Hour Cancellation Policy
Elements Massage 100 W Higgins Rd, #L-4
South Barrington, IL   60010
(847) 231-3110 Elements Massage$49 to $99

South Barrington

The Arboretum of South Barrington

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100 W Higgins Rd
South Barrington, IL 60010

Mon - Sat 9am - 9pm
Sun 9am - 8pm
24-Hour Cancellation Policy

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Words of Wellness

The Power of Freedom

The Power of Freedom

Anita S.

America - Home of the Free. Were it not for the brave men and women who recognized the value of freedom, and memorialized individual rights and liberties in historic documents, Americans would not have the pleasures of freedom. The founding fathers of this great country understood that freedom is a fundamental and basic right, allowing citizens to enjoy life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Therefore, to protect freedom, the founders created the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights, three significantly important documents, written over two centuries ago, giving American citizens the valued freedoms to be able to live their individual lives, without fear of retribution. The principles of the Constitution are based upon the philosophy of a free society, guaranteeing citizens checks and balances, individual rights, liberty and justice.

Without free will, we would not be able to live our lives the way we want, practice our faith the way we want, or express our views openly. Freedom should never be taken for granted, it is a powerful right, allowing us the ability to live according to our own agenda. It is up to each individual to make good choices while forming relevant opinions about current issues, and basing these choices on legitimate, credible and valid sources of information.

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