Ben | Licensed Massage Therapist
Specialties: deep tissue, relaxation, myofascial release, injury treatment, pin & stretch, sports massage, lymphatic drainage, Reiki, working with clients suffering from Sciatica. Offers prenatal massage, Himalayan Salt Stones, hot stones, AromaRitual, HerbalRitual, and cupping.
Summary: "I enjoy ungluing adhesions in the body in order to provide better movement."
What Makes Your Massage Unique? "I incorporate stretching into the massage."
Success Story With A Client: "After a client got off my table, he told me he didn't feel his chronic pain any more. He started crying out of joy and relief."
What do you appreciate most when receiving massage yourself? "Presence"
What keep you passionate about massage therapy? "It's entertaining and a good workout."
What do you enjoy most outside of massage therapy? "Farming"