Chloe Fraser | Licensed Massage Therapist
Specialties: Deep tissue, Relaxation, Myofascial Release, Pin and Stretch, Sports Massage, Migraine/Headache Treatment, Intra-Oral certified, Working with clients of all ages including minors
Summary: "My mom is a massage therapist and we were working at a chiropractic office together; everyone who worked there told me I should go into massage therapy because they knew I would be good at it and enjoy it. I'm so glad they did because I have loved and enjoyed every minute of it so far and I cannot wait to continue."
What makes your massage unique? "My technique is unique because I focus more on getting your muscles to work together more efficiently by working deep with demi deep pressure while relieving pain/discomfort. I like to find what could be causing the pain/discomfort from what is hurting or something that could be stemming from a different part of the body and/or old injury that could be flaring up."
Success Story: "At my first job doing massage therapy at a chiropractic office, I had a client who had fallen on her hip two years prior to seeing me. When she first came to see me she had a ball of tension on her hip, pain from her hip down to her knee that at times extended into her calf She couldn't stand up straight or stand for very long while she was working. After seeing me regularly for six months, she no longer had to take pain relief medications to sleep, could stand and walk straight and her ball of tension on her hip was almost 100% better."
What do you appreciate most when receiving massage yourself? "Deep pressure and quiet to be able to fully relax and enjoy being worked on. I have Hypermobile Ehlers Danlos Syndrome so I have old sport injuries that give me chronic pain in my joints and cause muscular pain in those areas."
What keeps you passionate about massage therapy? "Learning new things from other massage therapists, wanting to learn more about different modalities for the benefit of my clients."
What do you enjoy doing outside of massage therapy? "I love to read at home or at a lake on a nice day, play with my cat, spend time with friends and family, pr just have alone time watching a movie."