Tracy | Licensed Massage Therapist
Specialties: Deep tissue, myofascial release, trigger point treatment, injury treatment, pin and stretch, working with geriatric clients, clients with cancer, clients dealing with nerve impingement, headaches including migraines, and mental health conditions. Offers Himalayan salt stones, hot stones, Aroma Ritual, and Herbal Ritual.
Summary: "I began my career in massage therapy after my first massage. I had been experiencing very acute pain in my left shoulder area along with numbness in my left hand. This all manifested 10 years after a car accident. The massage therapist performed deep tissue to break up all the scar tissue that had formed and after two sessions, I was brand new. I was so impressed that I decided to become a therapist myself."
What makes your massage unique? "I feel that my massages are somewhat intuitive as to where my hands need to work. I like to learn about my clients' occupations, daily routines, etc. This along with the client's input helps me formulate a treatment plan. I believe some of my best work is in low back, hip, and headache treatment. I have also treated clients that have suffered physical trauma which requires a different approach. I have taken classes in working with trauma clients as well as geriatric clients. I have a passion for older people. When my mom was suffering from dementia, I was so grateful she had actual caring caregivers and I vowed to pay it forward. I really enjoy working with al kinds of people so every day of work feels brand new."
Success Story: "One of my friends has been in pain in her neck for years. She had been to a doctor, chiropractor, and even another massage therapist but never got relief. I offered to give it a try and immediately found a trigger point on the left side of her neck. I fixed her issue in 10 minutes and she has never had the pain come back."
What do you appreciate most when receiving massage yourself? "Concentration on my focus areas. I also appreciate the therapist check in."
What keeps you passionate about massage therapy? "Learning new modalities and being around happy people."
What do you enjoy doing outside of massage therapy? "I love dogs and someday hope to be able to have a forever haven for dogs that are old and sick that need and deserve the best quality of life in their last years."