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Mon - Sat 9am - 9:30pm
Sun 9am - 7pm
24-Hour Cancellation Policy
Elements Massage 301 Horsham Rd
Horsham, PA   19044
(267) 282-4215 Elements Massage$49 to $99


Corner of Horsham and Dresher Roads

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301 Horsham Rd
Horsham, PA 19044

Mon - Sat 9am - 9:30pm
Sun 9am - 7pm
24-Hour Cancellation Policy

Sharon (Level 3-4 Pressure) | Licensed Massage Therapist

Available Thursday, Saturday, Sunday


"My last massage was very good. Sharon provided the right amount of pressure. Will see her again soon."

Philosophy/Quote on Healing: Time and effort can heal anything if you are taking the right opportunities, doing the right things for yourself, and loving yourself well. You deserve it.

Education (Massage School): Montgomery County Community College (2017)

Places Lived: Oreland, Glenside, and Chichester, PA

Places Traveled: Long Beach Island, NJ, Niagara Falls, Canada; Granada, Spain; Wilmington, NC; Boston, MA; Miami, Florida; Tampa, Florida; Bogotá, Colombia; Cartagena, Colombia; Long Island, New York; New York City, New York; Chicago, Illinois

My Dream Vacation: Somewhere along the Mediterranean, Greece, Italy, or Egypt, where we can try amazing foods and swim in the ocean, and see a lot of natural attractions, alongside someone I love.

Favorite Massage Modalities: Deep Tissue Massage, Cupping/Decompression Therapy, CBD Massage, Percussive Therapy

In My Other Life (Before Becoming a Massage Therapist) I was: A musician (guitar and singing) and a waitress

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