Shelly | Licensed Massage Therapist
Joined Elements Team: October 2016
"Shelly does an amazing job with the massages she provides. I have had the hot stone massage, cupping, and aromatherapy and all have been great stress relief and helped me with my overall health. I am on a monthly massage program and it truly is something I look forward to every month." - D.C.
Shelbyville High School, Dayton School of Medical Massage
Places Lived
Shelbyville, IN; Cincinnati, OH; Springfield, OH
Places Traveled
Florida, Virginia Beach, South Carolina, Las Vegas, London, Spain, Paris, New York
Dream Vacation
A two-week cruise anywhere!
Previous Occupation:
Philosophy on Healing
Put yourself first! You are important, so love yourself.
Favorite Massage Modalities
Kneading, Skin-Rolling
Prenatal, Hot Stone, Himalayan Salt Stone, AromaRitual, CBD Herbal Ritual, Cupping
Pressure Level