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Mon - Sat 9am - 9pm
Sun 10am - 7pm
Elements Massage 4550 W. 121st Avenue, Suite A1
Broomfield, CO   80020
(303) 731-6340 Elements Massage$49 to $99


Broomfield Corners

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4550 W. 121st Avenue
Suite A1
Broomfield, CO 80020

Mon - Sat 9am - 9pm
Sun 10am - 7pm

Jill | Certified Massage Therapist

Available Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday


Jill attended massage school at Denver Career College. In her 20+ years of practice, she has developed her skills in numerous techniques including Theta healing, Thai massage, Akashic record reading, deep tissue, prenatal massage, trigger point, and structural/postural massage.

She has specialized training in deep tissue work, but also loves to do energy work and guided meditation. Her goal is to help people feel better, in both mind and body. That is why she became a massage therapist. If she could pick three words that best describe her they would be driven, adventurous, and jubilant.

Can perform: Herbal Ritual, AromaRitual, Swedish, Himalayan Salt Stones, Deep Tissue, Prenatal, Cupping and Trigger Point Therapy

Does not perform: Oncology, Reflexology, Work with minors

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